Friday, December 19, 2008
4 Years!
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Brain Cells
Twilight Written of Facebook
My brother sent me this...LOVE it!
Bella Swan is moving to Forks—ugh!
Charlie Swan is watching the big game.
Bella Swan is not looking forward to the first day of school—plus the rain sux.
Mike Newton is whoa whos the hottie!!1!!LOL
Eric Yorkie commented on Mike Newton’s status:
“Dude, seriously! Wonder if she’s going to the dance with anyone…….”
Mike Newton became a fan of Hot New Girls.
Eric Yorkie became a fan of Hot New Girls.
Mike Newton and Bella Swan are now friends.
Jessica Stanley is wondering what the fuss is all about.
Jessica Stanley and Bella Swan are now friends.
Lauren Mallory is like, so over the drama.
Bella Swan is curious about those pale kids in the corner. Plus the rain sux.
Edward Cullen is slightly uncomfortable.
Edward Cullen requested to leave the group “Junior Biology.”
Bella Swan is confused.
Mike Newton and Bella Swan are attending Forks HS Prom.
Bella Swan is no longer attending Forks HS Prom.
Mike Newton and Jessica Stanley are attending Forks HS Prom.
Mike Newton created the event First Beach Bonfire!
5 of your friends are attending the event First Beach Bonfire!
Bella Swan and Jacob Black are now friends.
Edward Cullen is WAY PISSED!
Bella Swan is OMG that van almost hit me.
Bella Swan is doing a little internet research.
Jessica Stanley created the event Prom Shopping in Port Angeles.
Bella Swan is attending the event Prom Shopping in Port Angeles
Bella Swan is in the alley wondering who those creepy drunk guys are, oh well! LOL
Edward Cullen is WAY PISSED!
Bella Swan and Edward Cullen are In a Relationship.
Jessica Stanley is shocked.
Rosalie Hale is making dinner…I know, right??
Alice Cullen is feeling like everything is going to turn out ok.
Bella Swan became a fan of Vampires.
Bella Swan and Alice Cullen are now friends.
Jacob Black is wishing he was a few years older……
Jacob Black joined the group Quileute Power!!
Charlie Swan is watching the big game.
Bella Swan is dazzled.
Edward Cullen is feeling moody…and thirsty.
Emmett Cullen created the event XTreme Baseball.
8 of your friends are attending the event XTreme Baseball.
Rosalie Hale is ready to kick some a$$ at baseball tonite!
Victoria and James are In a Relationship.
James is thinking evil thoughts.
Laurent is peace out.
Edward Cullen is WAY PISSED!
Alice Cullen and Jasper Hale tagged Bella Swan in the Note “Road Trip to Phoenix!”
Bella Swan really hates Forks! PSYCH! :(
Bella Swan is OH CRAP.
Edward Cullen is in a ballet studio?
James is no longer online.
Victoria is WAY PISSED!
Bella Swan is in the hospital but omg Edward is so hot.
Jacob Black is :(
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Problem Partially Figured Out
Baby Wise Confused Me
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Kisses Quote
Monday, December 8, 2008
Someone dropping 108 pennies in the sand with the wind blowing and birds chirping
Favorite Quotes
Jaxon: Yep!
Devin: And sing songs?
Jaxon: No, watch the tv!
Ruthann: What's your name?
Jaxon: Spideyman Boy.
Ruthann: You mean Jaxon?
Jaxon: No! Spideyman Boy Jaxon.
Jaxon: Uh-oh! Boogers! (as he wiped his nose on his shirt)
Ruthann: Hey Devin, I got Jaxon to take a nap today.
Jaxon: Nooooo!
Ruthann: Not right now, you had one earlier.
Jaxon: Oh, yep!
While driving on a muddy road due to someone not preparing their yard for irrigation after the road had just been repaired:
Devin: Some people have poop for brains.
In response to Ruthann's complaining about her boobs getting bigger when pregnant:
Devin: You know, lots of women pay good money for those!
Ruthann: What color would you call my hair?
Devin: Dirt.
Ruthann: What??? (Dirty look.)
Devin: Okay...strawberry blond.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Then & Now
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Tagged by Jeannie!

I tag: Joy B, Kiera E, Carrie C, Ashtyn C, & Ashley W.
FYI...Infant Gas Drops Recall
I don't know how this happened, but yikes! We buy these gas drops.
"The companies said they are voluntarily recalling two lots of the over-the-counter medicine as a precaution after determining that some bottles could include metal fragments that were generated during the manufacturing process.
They said the potential for serious injury is low, and any effects were expected to be temporary and resolved without medical treatment.
The recall does not affect any Original Infants' Mylicon Gas Relief products (1/2-ounce or 1-ounce size) or Infants' Mylicon Gas Relief Dye Free drops non-staining (1/2-ounce size).
Consumers who have purchased Mylicon drops with lot numbers SMF007 or SMF008 should immediately stop using the product and contact the company at 1-800-222-9435. Parents who have given the product to their infants and are concerned should contact their health care provider immediately, the companies said."
Friday, November 14, 2008
Tew or fee, depending on the day
Some days, I don't know why, but he'll say he's "fee." But, mostly he gets it right with "tew."
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Devin didn't get paid for his 12 weeks spent student teaching. It's like an unpaid internship. At times it was tight, but we were really blessed. I never really worried about him being able to find a job when he was done. I just thought we'd pray and do the things we were supposed to and everything would be fine. I was right! We are so blessed that our prayers were answered and within a few days of becoming qualified, Devin had a job! (Two to choose from actually!)
One of the interesting things that helped us was the fact that we didn't get our tax refund until the end of August! It was so late and we were a little annoyed it was taking so long, but it actually came at a perfect time. If we had the money earlier, we might have spend it and then we wouldn't have had it when he wasn't working and we really needed it. I believe my Heavenly Father's hands were present in our lives and he was watching out for us. He guides us in our decisions and through the kindness of others, we continue to be blessed daily!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008

We went ocean kayaking. This is Devin and his friend Cody. They shared a kayak while Cody's wife, Melody, and I realxed with Henry on the beach. Devin climbed out of his kayak to touch the sharks and now he can say he, "swam with the sharks."

Baby Henry looking so cute on the beach.

Halloween 2008

Baby Henry & Jax & Mama

Oh, he loves olives!

Thursday, October 30, 2008
Halloween Trunk or Treat
We Have a Boy
Should of got it when I had the chance...
Jaxon's costume from last year is still too big for Henry. So he is wearing a onsie that Oma got him that glows in the dark and says, "Baby's First Halloween."
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
2 Years & 2 Months
Height: 33 1/4 inches
Weight: 28 pounds, 5 ounces
Head: 50 inches
The doc said, "He's a little short."

Height: 22 1/4 inches
Weight: 13 pounds, 12 ounces
Head: 39 inches
The doc said: "He holds his head up really well." "He's really alert." And, "He's solid!"
I got a little smile on camera:)

Sunday, October 26, 2008
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Friday, October 24, 2008
Schnepf Farms
Jax didn't really like straw on his hands, but I convinced him to sit for a minute for a picture.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Snap, Crackle, Pop!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Joey & Polly