Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Thanksgiving Prep Talk

I don't like how Thanksgiving is basically forgotten or overshadowed by Christmas.  Don't get me wrong, I LOVE Christmas.  But I feel like the population in general needs a holiday to focus on being thankful for what we have.  It would be better if we moved Thanksgiving to like September when there aren't any other holidays around so people could really celebrate.  Then, we could get out our Christmas trees weeks before December 25 and no holiday would be forgotten.  That's what I say we should do.

I really want to teach all my kids how important it is to be grateful.  In my attempt to prep Jaxon for Thanksgiving I asked him what he was thankful for.  His response?


How ironic.


JennaK said...

It is forgotten because there really isn't anything to market for it--no money can really be made on Thanksgiving.

Jenny said...

hey Ruthann! i havent checked on any blogs in a while..but I knew you are with child so wanted to check in on your cute self. Hope you are feeling good..I am with you..people need more time to be thankful. I need to check in more often..take care girly.

Connie said...

Hahaha! This is hilarious- well, the last part. I do agree it's a shame that Thanksgiving gets like half a day of recognition and most of that is spent cooking and eating. I was pretty weirded out when the day after halloween Christmas trees were already up in Walmart. But royalbird is right, most of it is because of marketing. But I disagree that no money can really be made on Thanksgiving- if they had more than a shelf of Thanksgiving decor I'd probably buy some- or maybe they can double the price of a turkey? They just don't know how to sell the holiday. It's late I'm rambling... just felt like leaving a massive comment...
Before I go, to reiterate, this is exactly my thoughts on Thanksgiving- it definitely is important enough for it's own "month"- but then again does Christmas really get the celebration it's supposed to, too? Don't even get me started on that- the commercial side of the holiday makes me sad sometimes. Let's just say I refuse to say "happy holidays". It's Merry Christmas all the way...


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