Monday, May 24, 2010


This post might be boring.  It's mostly about pregnancy stuff so I can remember what this one was like.  This time it's different from my other two.

I'm usually pretty motivated to do things.  I mean things like...everything.  I hardly ever take naps because I feel like I'm wasting my time and could be "getting something done."  But, with this pregnancy, I have been SO unmotivated to do anything!  Dishes, kids' scrapbooks, cleaning, cooking, and just moving around in general!  I just don't have energy and it's kind of driving me nuts!  I want to get chores done, but I just don't feel like doing them.  Usually, I hardly ever watch tv during the day.  The tv only comes on when Devin and I watch our shows at night after the kids go to bed, but I find myself wanting to sit and (not watch tv) but read.  But, just the sitting factor is a big deal.

Oh, and cooking is really frustrating because I don't feel like cooking ever anymore, which is a big change since I started cooking more and really enjoy it.  So, I don't feel like cooking, but I want to eat all the time!  But, I want junk food!  Anyone who knows me knows that I pretty much don't eat junk food.  I have treats every now and then (I don't count nightly ice cream as junk food), but typically avoid eating unhealthy foods.  But lately I just want foods like macaroni and cheese, Ramen noodles, chips, and candy.  It's not really fun because though I enjoy it while I'm eating it, my tummy isn't used to eating foods like that, so it doesn't sit to well.

I'm still totally irritable.  Devin gets the worst of it.  He's not used to having to deal with "PMS" because I don't really have it during that time of the month, so this moodiness is a whole new thing he's not used to.  (And neither am I!)


The Stevens Family said...

I think you're having a!

Adam and Nicole said...

I feel your pain and frustrations! I am going through the same thing. I just keep telling myself, just a couple of more weeks and then I will feel so much better. Hang in there, you are awesome!

JennaK said...

Gee, I'm not motivated to do anything lately and I'm not even pregnant! It's okay to feel this way when you're growing a baby. And it'll probably be hard the first few months after the baby is born. But then you'll get back to your old self and be motivated again.

Lola said...

I felt the same way with my last pregnancy...I think when you have two kids,a husband, a house, a job and you're creating human life it kinda wears you out!

Laura said...

Congratulations!!! I had no idea you were pregnant. I'm really happy for you guys.

brady lady said...

ok so i know exactly how you feel, this pregnancy has been exactly the same, way different than the 1st two and guess what it was all because i was prego with a boy, so maybe just maybe this one might be a girl! we'll just have to wait and see. and don't worry i lived off of roman noodles for like the 1st 4 months of my pregnancy and fast food was a regular at dinner time cause i just didn't have the energy or "motivation" to cook, plus i was throwing up every night so cooking was the last thing i wanted to do. but i promise it does get better, except for the energy thing (i take naps on a daily basis and i too think naps are a waste of time).

Jami said...

Oh, I totally hear you. When I was prego with grace I just wanted to sleep and eat fried chicken with potato wedges (I gained a lot of weight). I was actually prego about 4 months ago, but ended up having a miscarriage at 9 weeks. Anyways, the same thing happened! I don't really get sick, I just wanted to lay around and eat junk food ( and naps are a must). I also couldn't sleep at night! Ugh, I am sorry. but how fun that you are preggers again. Good luck, hopefully this means you are having a girl.


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