Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The Power of An Envelope

Devin and I have a budget.  I use a spreadsheet I created to track where all of our money goes each month. We are usually pretty good about staying within the budgeted amount...except in the food category.

We were getting tired of going over so we tried something new for April.  We withdrew cash for our budged amount for groceries and kept it in an envelope and used ONLY that to pay for food this month.  That was nice just for the fact that I didn't have so many debits to keep track of.  So, how did we do?  We have $20 left!  That's such an improvement from going like $100 over sometimes!  It was nice to see that when we really tried and planned, we were able to stay within our budget!


The Stevens Family said...

GOODJOB! It's always nice to find extra money! lol! We tried the envelope budgeting once and we didn't do very well because we tried to budget every bill in the envelope which was hard...

Jeff and Kelsey said...

We'll have to give it a try. Tell Devin to schedule some time this summer and we'll go shooting.

vegan minus the flannel said...

I am a cash only girl! I do not have a credit card,and do not use an ATM simply because it keeps me on a more strict budget. That type of system works for me! HOLLA! Reins

JennaK said...

We haven't tried that yet and I've thought about doing it. We're pretty good with groceries, though. Our problem is our miscellaneous category, which includes things like new shoes for the kids and dates that we go on. Unfortunately, if we did that with cash, we'd probably run out in the first week and then we'd desperately need a new pair of shoes or something like that for the kids two weeks later. I'm just not daring enough to try it yet. We shall see...


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