Sunday, January 25, 2009


On Christmas day while we were out doing family visits, we stopped at Devin's uncle Brent's house.  Jaxon found a candy necklace there and put it on his head and said, "I Nephi."  I have to say, I was so proud!  I don't know where he learned that Nephi wore a headband, but I was excited he wanted to be like him!  

Ever since then, he has been using my hair bands to be Nephi.  

PS...Anyone in need of a full size box spring mattress?  As you can see in the background, it's just sitting in our hallway.  Since Devin built a bunk bed, we don't need it.  It's basically brand new.  I got it a few years before I got married, and ever since then, it has been in our guest bedroom.  Please let me know if anyone you know needs would save money if they needed a new bed because if they had this, they'd only need to buy the top mattress.  I hate to throw it out (I don't think DI takes mattresses anymore.)  Let me know!


The Herberts said...

How precious Jaxon is! How sweet! We don't need a box springs, but if you can't find any takers, you can post it on Queen Creek Freecycle or on Craigslist - you may even get some $ off craigslist. Good luck!!

Jenny said...

Jaxon is so cute & fun! you are a good mama for teaching him his scriptures ...that's funny cuz tonight at my mom's we are having FHE and she wants us to come dressed as our fave scripture hero. So maybe HUnter will be a lil' Nephi too!


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