Monday, September 22, 2008

3 Weeks Old

Here is the little stud at age 3 weeks.

A little cross-eyed at times, but we think he's cute!

Generally, he's a really good baby. Sometimes, when he nurses I can hear his tummy making noises and he acts like it is hurting him. I try burping him and gas drops, but they don't usually make a difference. I need to track what I eat and see if there is any correlation to it and how he acts. I don't want his little tummy hurting!


Jenny said...

hey very sweet, he is even holding up 3 fingers! i know it is so hard at first when their tummies always seem to be upset. We always went through tons of gas drops with my girls, it was a mystery the whole newborn feeding thing..a few more weeks & i will be in your shoes.

Carrie Carp said...

I love him! What a cute newborn...

I don't have any good advice for his rumbling tummy. My pediatrician didn't either. Jack always wanted to nurse, but never kept it all down, it was weird. And it totally sucked. He literally nursed like every 2 hours for 6 months. I was not a very nice person for those 6 months. Eating every 2 hours = no sleep for mommy.


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