I have never really had sleeping problems. (a blessing!) But, ever since Oliver was born, I have been getting SO sweaty at night! We keep our house at 70 degrees right now and it's still a bit chilly for me. I have no idea why I have been getting so hot at night. It stinks because I get hot, sweat, and then get freezing because I'm damp and it's cold inside!
I figured it was just caused by my hormones getting back to their usual levels. I had my 2 week postpartum check up today and asked the doc about it. She said I was right--it was most likely my hormones since I had no other symptoms of sickness or anything else concerning.
Then I read this:
From the moment your baby is born, hormonal changes cause your midsection to deflate, shrinking it back to something closer to its pre-pregnancy state. It takes about four weeks for your uterus to contract to its normal size. All the cells in your body that swelled during pregnancy will begin releasing their fluids in the form of urine, vaginal secretions, and sweat. And the extra fat you put on to nourish the baby will start burning off (especially if you're nursing and exercising). But it takes at least a few weeks to see noticeable results.
I guess that's what my body is doing. It's trying to release extra fluids and get thin again. I'm okay with that.
That is so weird to think of exactly 'how' your stomach deflates...lol! i know you are busy, but I am really anxious to read your birth story. Write it down before you forget details! and then post it so i can read it too! lol
yep yep! That's what I was going to say it was- kinda nice to get rid of the extra fluid (weight;) but no fun being sweaty, obviously :p
I had really bad night sweats after I had Kynzlee too and never knew what caused them!! That is interesting :) I cant wait to hear about you labor/delivery story!! :)
I had the same thing. I am still waiting for a baby delivery update...
At least you only sweat at night. I would to be sweaty all day. It's also night that you are losing weight while you sleep;)
I also can't wait to read your birth story!
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