Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Runners - Anyone Interested?

Hi fellow runners!

I found a race on May 1-2 in California called The Relay and really want to do it.

12 people, 200 miles, 36 cities

36 legs, 3 - 8.9 miles each

Anyone interested in being on a team with me?  We have to register the team by March 1st.

We need 2 vans and $960 to register a team, plus $600/team ($50/runner) to donate to Organs R Us.  (Total $130 runner)

I have to run it by Devin, but I found it and got so excited I had to see if anyone is even interested.  I wanted to do Ragnar, but we didn't quite get enough people.  I am more interested in The Relay because it's in California and the course sounds so beautiful.  Also, because it is in May, instead of February, I think the weather will be better.  (Better means more like what I'm used to.)

Let me know!!!


Jeff and Kelsey said...

If you get a Ragnar relay team going, I'm interested. I'm trying to convince Kelsey to let me do the Watsatch Back one this year.

The Blakes said...

I am of my new year's resolutions is to start running again.

Jules AF said...

Occasional read? Occasional read?!? I'm so sad....
haha I kid. I love the link!
And I wish I were a runner. I wish I enjoyed it. But I hate it.

Kaisi Grow said...

Hey, that is right where I live!. Maybe I should get my butt in gear & do it with you?. That could be something fun & new!

Kaisi Grow said...

I also know a few girls in Utah who travel all over the place to do marathons. They might be interested too.... just an idea.

Thorne Family said...

I totally would love to....if I didn't live in Nebraska! I'm already coming down to run the 1/2 marathon Run for Ryan house in March. But I'll pass the info on to my sister, she might be interested!!

The Valentine's said...

So I'd really love to do this race with you!! I'm wanting to get better at running and this would be such an accomplishment. My sister would do it too! She's actually a runner and way better than I am. There's also a few women in my ward that might be interested. I'll ask them and let me know what you find out. I'll definitely need your help with a training schedule to be ready. Good Luck on Sunday!!


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