Sunday, January 31, 2010

Pillow Talk

The other night while Devin and I were talking before bed we discovered something interesting.

Men keep track of the days between making love.  (That wasn't the discovery.  I'm pretty sure it's a solid fact in most relationships.)  Generally, women might keep track, but the accuracy or importance of the number is no where near as serious to her as to him.

So, he was insisting it had been a whole 5 days.  I told him I was sure it was less than that.  We figured out that our last time had been on Wednesday night.

Then he proceeded to count, "Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday.  Five days" he said.

I recounted, "Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday and it's now Monday so four days."

We were in agreement that the last time had been Wednesday and that the current day was Monday, but we  still did not agree on the number of days between.  We count differently.

He explained, "Wednesday to Thursday is one, Thursday to Friday is two, Friday to Saturday is three, Saturday to Sunday is four, Sunday to Monday is five."

I figured we shouldn't count the "Sunday to Monday" because well, we were gonna do it, so that day isn't factored in.  He disagreed and said it was five FULL days.  I still see it as four.

This was a discovery to me because now I know 5 days to him means 4 days to me, 4 days to him means 3 days to me, etc.  This knowledge is very helpful for me when I'm trying to understand what the heck he's thinking when we disagree on these statistics!

So, do you say it was 4 or 5 days?


Kayleen said...

Depends. Was it Wednesday night to Monday night? If so, it was 5 days. If it was only til Monday morning it was 4 days. :)

Jules AF said...

This conversation cracked me up. I'll agree with you since you write the blog. Totally 4 days... haha

shirley elizabeth said...

Well, it technically was 5 days since...
If Wednesday to Monday is only four days, then Wednesday to Wednesday is only six...but we know it's seven.

Fiery Jack said...

5 days.

JennaK said...

I hate to agree with Devin, but it was 5 days. By the way, I have no idea if Corey keeps track. He doesn't keep track of much, so it would surprise me if he kept count. I tend to be the tracker more on that than he is. :)

The Stevens Family said...

i say 4! Cuz you did it you count the 24 hours as 1 day...then get a result... so I guess it depends on the time on wednesday you did it and the time on Monday you did it... lol! J.D. keeps track too..and even if its only 2 days, its been FOREVER! lol

Lacie said...

You crack me up Ruthann! But I get your point, boys are crazy. I would have to agree with you though mostly because I would fight Tayce about that too. :) Hope you are doing well.

Sonda Bryce said...

I love that you posted this conversation... I am pretty sure every couple on the planet has had the conversation! You are hillarious! Miss ya!

Kiera said...

HAHA that's a funny argument! How about 4 and a half and from now on just do it everyday as to avoid further issues like this:) jk!

mollie said...

Mike and I have this exact conversation all of the time. He'd agree with Devin, and I agree with you. Funny how this topic is really the only thing that boys keep good track on. Everything else gets fuzzy. Like Mike thinks he does the dishes ALL the time just because he's done them 2 days in a row. Men.


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