Monday, January 18, 2010


I finished!  My time was 3 hours, 57 minutes.

And I'm glad it's over.

Pictures and details to come later today.

Devin and I both have today off and are going to enjoy some family time together.  It's rare these days.


shirley elizabeth said...

Ruthann you rock! Way to go!

Thorne Family said...

Yeah!!! Way to go!!!! That's a good time!!! Enjoy your day together! Can't wait to see pictures!!!

Fiery Jack said...

That's excellent! Congrats.

j & s said...

yay congrats you are so amazing! one day ill have to ask you lots of questions on how you did it cause its one of my goals in life! congrats again and rest rest rest!!

katie b. said...

THAT IS SO AMAZING!!! isn't that less than 20 mins off the qualifying time for the Boston Marathon?!?! i always knew you'd do well, but seriously, under 4 hours is out of this world!! so proud!

JennaK said...

Congrats on finishing! Good job!

Zach said...

That is a fantastic time! Congrats!

John and Jada McFarlane said...

Ruthann you are amazing! You showed that Debbie Downer! Congratulations!!! I am so happy that you accomplished your goal!

Anonymous said...

I have to say that is quite the accomplishment! Like the great philosopher once said..."those shorts make your a## look fast" and fast you were! Way to go!

Kayleen said...

WOW!!! Congratulations! You should tell that Debbie Downer at the gym to eat dirt. And you should run the Boston. That's just plain cool.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! You are an inspiration to us all.


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